February 12, 2011


One morning--very early--walking through the stacks, I came across these abandoned little fellows. They struck me as kind of sad, given that they were just left lying there on the floor, on opposite sides of an aisle.

I often have some sort of guess as to the origins of the strange items I find in my work's way, but these guys kind of baffle me. Who cuts out little foamboard people and just leaves them in the aisle of the library? They aren't the strangest of the golems--as I've come to call the various humanoid constructs--I've discovered.

My best guess is that they were either a) part of a student project of some sort, discarded because they weren't quite up to par or, perhaps more likely, b) created out of boredom by students who were supposed to be doing something else entirely with their foamboard. Whatever the case, this was a fun way to start my morning.